
Shinichi Maruyama | Kusho

Shinichi Maruyama obsesses over individual moments in time. Maruyama's work of the human form, Nude, combining 10,000 individual photographs. Continuing through his Water Sculpture, capturing fractions of a second. Maruyama's work began on interactions between water and ink in his seminal work, Kusho.

Shinichi Maruyama and Flow

Maruyama's work stems from a philosophy of impermanence and the finding of beauty within a moment of time. Influenced by the state of mind achieved through Zen culture Maruyama's work requires intense self-discipline. From self-discipline ripples the state of Flow. Maruyama enters the state of full immersion and enjoyment of the activity. Distanced from feelings of nervousness and trepidation Maruyama is able to perform aerial calligraphy. Removed from time he is able to create an individual moment through the interplay of the water and ink. An ephemeral instant beyond even the control of the Flowing artist. This is the goal of Shinichi Maruyama and his photographic work.

Shinichi Maruyama and Scope

Maruyama's interests vary in scope as Kusho progresses. As he moves from photo to photo he waves inwards and out. His scope changes between the macroscopic and microscopic. In his state of heightened focus Maruyama is able to juxtapose these interactions against one another. He weaves the minute tensions into his liquid tapestry which exists for but a moment and then unravels before him.

Shinichi Maruyama and Wabi-Sabi

Maruyama's artwork stems from the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi. The aesthetic of transience and imperfection pervades his work. His is a work uncontrolled and raw. Kusho, the liquids immiscible, tears itself apart upon forming. Maruyama uses this aspect for asymmetry and irregularity in the photographs as the water and ink are cast by his brush. With his photographic work Shinichi Maruyama has been able to create a beauty of liquid forms that has long gone unappreciated.

shinichi-maruyama-fallow-3 shinichi-maruyama-fallow-5 shinichi-maruyama-fallow-4   Words | Rob Woodgate